Garzoli Gallery
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Early American Paintings Surrealist/Modernist Paintings Contemporary Paintings






Norman Black
Aaron Bohrod
Roger Bolomey
Robert Brawley
Lodewyk Bruckman
J. Lloyd Conrich
Kenneth Davies
Charles Griffin Farr
Gregory Gillespie
John Langley Howard
Victor Lagye

John Lear
Arthur Lidov

Walter Murch
Nathan Oliveira
Al Proom
Charles Rain
Ratislaw Racoff
Priscilla Roberts
Lundy Siegriest

Georges Spiro
Harold Warshaw
Hans Weingaertner

Raymond Whyte
Robert Wood









Surrealist/Modernist Paintings

Joel B. Garzoli Fine Art specializes in American Surrealist Paintings from the early to late 20th Century, by artists such as John Atherton, Aaron Bohrod, Raymond Whyte, Robert Brawley, John Langley Howard, John Lear, Charles Rain, Walter Murch and others.

Modernist Paintings are also available, featuring works by both California and Eastern American artists. Works by Nathan Oliveira, Lundy Siegriest, Charles Griffin Farr, and Gregory Gillespie are available.

Please click on the painters at the left for examples from our inventory of American Surrealist & Modern Paintings.



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Early American Painting | Surrealist/Modern Painting | Contemporary Painting

706 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 931-4321