Joel B. Garzoli Fine Art
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Early American Paintings Surrealist/Modernist Paintings Contemporary Paintings


Joel B. Garzoli Fine Art
San Francisco
Original Paintings

We actively purchase American paintings and sculpture by the artists listed on this page, amongst others.

Twenty years of experience in selling original paintings and watercolors.

Digital images of the artwork can be sent via email, or photographs can be sent by mail. Please include dimensions and other relevant imformation, and send to the attention of Joel Garzoli.

phone: 415-931-4321

California Fine Art
American Fine Art

Original Oil Paintings
Original Watercolors

California Artists
American Artists
San Francisco Artists


Surrealist Artists

John Atherton (1900-1952)

Norman Black (1920-1999)

Peter Blume (1906-1992)

Aaron Bohrod (1907-1992)

Roger Bolomey (b.1918)

Robert Brawley (1937-2006)

(Robert Julius Brawley)

Lodewyk Bruckman (1913-1980)

(Lodewyk Karel Bruckman)

J. Lloyd Conrich (1903-1983)

(Joseph Lloyd Conrich)

Kenneth Davies (b.1925)

Gregory Gillespie (1936-2000)

Joseph Hirsch (1910-1981)

John Langley Howard (1902-1999)

Henry Koerner (1915-1991)

John Lear (1910-2008)

Arthur Lidov (1917-1990)

Helen Lundeberg (1908-1999)

Robert McMahon (contemporary)

Walter Murch (1907-1967)

Alton Pickens (1917-1991)

Al Proom (1933-2006)

Walter Quirt (1902-1968)

Ratislaw Racoff (1904-1982)

Charles Rain (1911-1985)

(Charles Wheedon Rain)

Robert Rasely (1950--2005)

Paul Riba (1912-1977)

Priscilla Roberts (1916-2001)

Kay Sage (1898-1963)

Georges Spiro (1909-1994)

Dorothea Tanning (b.1910)

Harold Warshaw (1920-1977)

Hans Weingaertner (1896-1970)

Raymond Whyte (1923-2002)

John Wilde (1919-2006)


Early American Artists

George F. Bensell (1837-1879)

Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902)

Robert Frederick Blum (1857-1903)

Carl Oscar Borg (1879-1947)

Anne Bremer (1868-1923)

Alfred Thompson Bricher (1837-1908)

Fidelia Bridges (1834-1924)

Samuel Marsden Brookes (1816-1892)

Edward Bruce (1879-1943)

Giuseppe Cadenasso (1858-1918)

Emil Carlsen (1853-1932)

Alice B. Chittenden (1859-1944)

Bruce Crane (1857-1937)

Charles Harold Davis (1856-1933)

Edwin Deakin (1838-1923)

Mauritz F.H. DeHaas (1832-1895)

Maurice Del Mue (1875-1955)

Maynard Dixon (1875-1946)

Charles Griffin Farr (1908-1997)

William B. Faville (1866-1947)

Selden Connor Gile (1877-1947)

Robert A. Graham (1873-1946)

Percy Gray (1869-1952)

Jules Guerin (1866-1946)

William Hahn (1829-1887)

George Henry Hall (1825-1913)

Armin Hansen (1886-1957)

Herman Herzog (1831-1932)

Thomas Hill (1829-1908)

Clark Hobart (1868-1948)

Grace Carpenter Hudson (1865-1937)

Haakon Jenssen (1883-1957)

Eastman Johnson (1824-1906)

Henry J. Johnstone (1835-1907)

Hugh Bolton Jones (1848-1927)

William Keith (1838-1911)

John Ross Key (1832-1920)

Ernest Lawson (1873-1939)

William Marple (1827-1910)

Xavier Martinez (1869-1943)

Arthur F. Mathews (1860-1945)

Francis McComas (1875-1938)

Gilbert Munger (1837-1903)

Ernest Narjot (1826-1898)

Jules Pages (1867-1946)

Charles Rollo Peters (1862-1928)

Edgar Payne (1883-1947)

Arthur Putnam (1873-1930)

Arthur Quartley (1839-1886)

Joseph Raphael (1869-1950)

Henry Raschen (1854-1937)

Edward Redfield (1869-1965)

Granville Redmond (1871-1935)

Julian Rix (1850-1903)

Charles D. Robinson (1847-1933)

Louis Siegriest (1899-1989)

George H. Smillie (1840-1921)

Henry Pember Smith (1854-1907)

Will Sparks (1862-1937)

Herman G. Struck (1887-1954)

Jules Tavernier (1844-1889)

Harry Van der Weyden (1868-1952)

Thad Welch (1844-1919)

William Wendt (1865-1946)

Irving Ramsay Wiles (1861-1948)

Virgil Williams (1830-1886)

Evelyn Almond Withrow (1858-1928)

Theodore Wores (1859-1939)

Raymond Yelland (1848-1900)

Harvey Otis Young (1840-1901)

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Early American Painting | Surrealist/Modernist Painting | Contemporary Painting

706 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 931-4321